Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baby Ede sucking his thumb. He loved having his hands up by his face.

Picture of his spine.

If we had any doubt....another picture that he is a boy.

Proof that he is a boy.

He liked showing us his hands.

He takes after his father with well defined ears.

This is a side profile of him.


We had our doctor's appointment today. We found out that it is a boy! He is healthy. His heartbeat is a 144 beats/minute and he weights 13 oz. He is measuring on time. They said that everything looks good. When they were doing the ultrasound pictures he had his hand up by his face. He waved and looked at us. He was very active. We are so excited! Tomorrow is half way done. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Future Ede

This is the first picture of little Ede. We had this done in October. We had one done to see if there was a possibility of twins and the due date. There is only one and the estimated due date is May 20th.
Tony and I are excited as we found out we are expecting a little one in May. There has not been a lot of excitement with the pregnancy which is okay. We find out on December 30th what we are having. Tony thinks it is a boy and I have not decided. I really do not care either way. We will be 20 weeks, half way done, on December 31st! I have felt some movement for the last several weeks. I am waiting for major movement. I am also waiting to pop. Right now I look like I have gained weight and am a little round but you have to look close.